Apex Performance Center Training Options:
All Sports, All Athletes!
- Individual/Small Group Speed/Agility Development
- Group Speed/Agility Development (Team)
- Strength Training
High School Football
- Combine Prep
Collegiate Level Athletes:
- Next Level Prep (Taking training and mental approach to next level)
- NFL /NBA Combine, Pro-Day prep
Apex Performance Center is....
Where your potential and performance meet at their peak! We specialize in optimizing an athlete’s performance at their chosen sport. We focus on speed, agility, explosion and strength and conditioning in order to help the athlete achieve their maximum potential. If you are a bench player looking to get more game time, a starter looking to make more of a contribution to the team or a stand out athlete that realizes dominating your local peers isn’t enough to get you that scholarship or state championship, our training center is for you.
Linear Speed: focused on efficient body movement and proper technique. We emphasize upper arm swinging technique as well as foot striking position, turnover and knee drive for sprinting mechanics. A variety of drills allow us to teach the athlete how to change current “chinks” in the armor and clean up their current running form. Outside of the ground based drills we incorporate, we also utilize our high speed treadmill to give the athlete immediate feedback for the techniques they are learning. The treadmill is a valuable tool that allows us as coaches to see different views of athlete while moving at high speeds, dissecting their form and correcting errors on the go. The treadmill is used for over speed training, resisted training as well as interval conditioning workouts.
Agility: Sports are not played on a treadmill but on a flat grass or court surface so linear speed without and agility base is worthless for athletes that play reactive sports. When focusing on agility we incorporate an endless number of drills to have the athlete learn to change direction in both a training setting and game like atmosphere. Because in sports, ones agility can be easily judged on their reaction to what takes place before them, some of our agility training incorporates both visual and audio cueing from the coaches. Our treadmill also has a unique harness that allows us to train the athletes while moving in 360 degrees on the treadmill forcing them to conduct proper footwork, balance and awareness without slowing down.
Explosive Power: Our training has a strong emphasis on a variety of plyometrics (jumping drills) that help develop explosive strength. An athletes vertical jump and broad ump have a strong correlation to their speed. The higher we can train our athletes to jump, the faster and more explosively they will move. We utilize a vibration platform for much of our plyo work which creates a stimulus that challenges the athletes ability to stabilize or balance causing them to recruit more muscle fibers around the joints to help them perform the particular movement or activity demanded. Using the platform at high intensities, for short bouts, multiple times per week will force that contractile pattern of the muscles to be an automatic response, whether on the platform or not, due to the created muscle memory from the training. Outside of the vibration platform we use box’s, plyo mats, dots, cones, hurdles and open space to help with our lower body power development.
Strength: We have a variety of strength training movements and templates that are applied specifically for our athletes depending on their age, experience, sex, sport or desired results from the program. In our strength training we utilize many types of resistance from Barbells, dumb bells, kettle bells, bands, tires, sleds…etc.
Flexibility &Balance: At APEX we consider not only an athlete’s performance, but their durability and injury prevention as well. An injured athlete has no value, optimal flexibility and balance can be key components in keeping them healthy. Some of our drills for flexibility and balance are incorporated on the vibration platform, which has been shown to naturally stimulate blood flow and is great for tissue regeneration. For balance we also us cones and bosu balls to create instability to help challenge the athlete in regards to proprioception.
A team of exercise experts who have seen success at the highest level of competition and also have studied the human body as a science. We take pride in our ability to program and prescribe training programs and exercises for any athlete using the knowledge we have acquired through years of study, as well as our own athletic experience. We are comprised of individuals driven by the heart of competition and believe that the team or athlete that is best prepared will be whom wears the crown of champion at the end of the day. Our goal is to take every individual we train to an untapped source of potential in their athletic ability, through hard work and hustle.
What to expect.
Any athlete that participates in our program can expect to become faster, stronger, inspired, encouraged, focused, confident, more attentive and driven. Through the environment that we have at our facility we hope to create an indomitable will, an attitude in which they will never settle for giving anything but their best, on and off the field. The goal is to spur growth in each athlete physically and mentally allowing them to become “better”.